Community Health Service

The Academic and Research Wing of the RKMSP

In view of the Community Health Nursing being included in the Nurses’ Training Course in 1963, two areas, one urban and the other rural, were selected for training of nursing students. The urban area was very near the hospital while a group of villages near Sarisha, South 24 Parganas, formed the rural area.

Groups of student nurses under the guidance of qualified staff visited all the houses in two selected areas, collected necessary data and advised people on their health and hygiene problems. The people of these areas got free immunisation, hospital facilities and domiciliary treatment while the mothers were given antenatal and postnatal care.
The mobile medical unit attached to Community Health Service visits Sarisha (40 km.) covering 23 villages with a population of about 20,000, Arapanch (20 km.) covering 10 villages with a population of about 15,000 and Rajarhat (30 km.) with a population of about 10,000, twice a week and provides free treatment to about 200 patients daily. The critically ill patients are brought to the main hospital for treatment as and when necessary. Free eye camp is held for patients from areas served by the mobile unit every year. A mothercraft class is also held at Sarisha once a week. Regular antenatal check-up is carried on in which high-risk mothers are identified and referred to the Pratishthan. Immunisation programme is implemented against Measles, Diphtheria, Whooping Cough and Tetanus for children in these rural areas.

Gangasagar Mela

Like previous years this year also this Pratishthan conducted Medical Relief Camp at Gangasagar Mela in January, 2021. It was manned by 28 members consisting of 2 Monastic Members, 6 Doctors, 2 Male Nurses, 4 Pharmacists, 3 GDAs and 8 Volunteers. The camp treated 2135 patients, out of which 1167 were male, 781 female and 187 children. Amongst these patients 3 received indoor treatment.